Spring Meeting 2019: “MIGRATION IN ASIA”

The theme of our spring meeting, April 2, 2019, was “Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move”.

A brief 2017 summary, before looking at the future, shows that in 2017 there were about 79.6 million migrants in Asia, who correspond to 30 percent of the 257.7 million total in the world. 53 percent of the migrants in Asia are in Western Asia and particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (43 percent). The median age of male migrants in the world was 36.4 in 2017, the same as in Asia. The median age of female migrants in the world was 39,9, but much lower for female migrants in Asia (31.4) Overall, 48.4 percent of migrants in the world were women. In Asia, the percentage was 42.4, and below 30 percent in the GCC countries. Almost three quarters of international migrants in Asia are in just fifteen countries.

Resource Person for the first two days was Fr. Graziano BATTISTELLA C. S. Below are the four PowerPoints he used in his presentation: (to view, click and download to your computer)

PowerPoint 1:   The Future of Migration in Asia2019 OMI 1

PowerPoint 2:   Migration A Conflict of Rhetorics – 2019 OMI 2

PowerPoint 3:   Governance of Migration and Ethics – 2019 OMI 3

PowerPoint 4:   The Directions From Pope Francis – 2019 OMI 4
