This is a series of PowerPoint Presentations, given by Fr. Jerry Novotny OMI, during his travels throughout Asia. They are based on his Pro Life Ministry and Catholic Pro Life Website at
[PowerPoint] –> The Ageing Experience: As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including career transitions and retirement, children leaving home, the loss of loved ones, physical and health challenges – and even a loss of independence. How we handle and grow from these changes is often the key to healthy aging. The concept of positive ageing is about making the most of the benefits of being old and keeping a good attitude about life. It is about keeping a positive growth mindset throughout older age just like any other phase of life, regardless of challenges or opportunities.
[PowerPoint] –> Abortion and the Bible: The statement that the word abortion is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible is technically correct. However, this allegation falls prey to the logical fallacy of assuming that because an act is not mentioned in Scripture, the Bible therefore approves of that act. After all, Scripture does not name other evils specifically, such as DUI or iPhone hacking. Does this mean that Christians should not oppose these evil acts either? Of course not! Christians use what the principles and guidelines that the Bible teaches about good and evil acts and apply it to their everyday lives. We can apply this same principle to abortion. While the word “abortion” itself does not appear in the Bible, we can take the Bible’s teachings on murder, pregnancy and childbirth, and the value of children to ascertain what the Bible would say about abortion.
[PowerPoint] –> Abortion – Men Hurt Too: For men, in a sense, the grief is difficult because they’re told that they should have no feelings about this: it’s the woman’s body, it’s her life, it’s her choice. Men are told that it’s none of their business, so they have no place to turn for help.
[PowerPoint] –> Contraception – Why Not?: St. John Paul II held that there is no proper use of sexuality without a fostering of personalist values. For him, personalist values are rooted in a respect for the very dignity of the human being. He argues that unless we understand the dignity of the human person we will not fully understand the Church’s condemnation of contraception, for he believed that the use of contraception is a violation of the dignity of the human person, for a person is one who is able to perceive the objective truth about the relation between the sexes and act in accord with it. The fundamental teaching of John Paul is that we are never to treat others as objects to be used but are always to treat them as persons to be loved.
[PowerPoint] –> The Gospel of Life: The foundation and outline for website is based on the encyclical Evangelium Vitae. In a small way, I try to present the Oblate Spirituality behind my Pro Life Apostolate. From its very title, Evangelium Vitae, St. John Paul II showed that he wished to give the protection of life, from conception to its natural end, a highly positive character and great new spiritual thrust. While countering new and unprecedented threats to life and the rapid spread of a “culture of death”, John Paul’s encyclical is “a precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life and its inviolability,” containing “a pressing appeal addressed to each and every person in the name of God: Respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life! Only in this direction will we find justice, development, true freedom, peace and happiness.”
[PowerPoint] –> Jesus, The Way, Truth and Life: The marvelous treasures of the Catholic Faith—the Eucharist, Mary, the saints, and the Creed—are all centered on a single figure: Jesus Christ. Jesus is more than a historical or theological figure. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord, and our God. While many of us already know a lot about him, how well can we say we really know him? Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life is a new and fresh look at Jesus—who he is, what he is really like, what he taught, and what he did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will inspire and empower you to center your entire life on him as you come to know and love him in an ever-deeper and more intimate way. [Book, Workbook-10 sessions, 30-minute videos]
[PowerPoint] –> When Does a Fetus Feel Pain: Unborn children appear to be able to experience pain sooner than we had previously thought. Medical experts agree that fetal pain begins at 12 weeks gestation and may even be felt as early as eight weeks. In light of this evidence, it is ethically problematic to assume an unborn child cannot feel pain and thus justify whatever procedure we desire. The ugliness of abortion is not a foreign concept to anyone involved in it. These inhumane death procedures would not be acceptable for any animal, yet they are used regularly to kill the most innocent and fragile human beings. Even if an unborn child were unable to experience pain, abortion is never acceptable as it kills a human being. But aborting a child who can feel pain makes the abortion that much more inhumane and reprehensible.