Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2021

The following is the text of the Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2021, entitled: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem “ (Mt 20: 18). Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love:

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Refugees are not just people

Brad Rozairo, OMI – A refugee from Burundi who was a chemistry student escaped violence and political stability in his home country and ended up at a refugee camp in Kenya. Five years ago, he started making soap in the refugee camp. Covid-19 pandemic has given his business a boost, as many look for soap which has become a major weapon in the fight against coronavirus. One way to keep the virus away is to wash hands frequently.

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Christmas online gathering: December 28, 2020

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Covid-19 has made us turn to social media for some of our Delegation gatherings. So far using ZOOM software, we have had council meetings, a 90th birthday celebration for Fr. John Iwo, a prayer service on the occasion of 25 years of canonization of our Founder, and at the end of last month the online Delegation Christmas gathering with our Provincial Fr. Roshan Silva who is stationed in Sri Lanka.

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A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace

1 JANUARY 2021


1. At the dawn of a new year, I extend cordial greetings to Heads of State and Government, leaders of International Organizations, spiritual leaders and followers of the different religions, and to men and women of good will. To all I offer my best wishes that the coming year will enable humanity to advance on the path of fraternity, justice and peace between individuals, communities, peoples and nations.

The year 2020 was marked by the massive Covid-19 health crisis, which became a global phenomenon cutting across boundaries, aggravating deeply interrelated crises like those of the climate, food, the economy and migration, and causing great suffering and hardship. I think especially of all those who lost family members or loved ones, and all who lost their jobs. I think too of physicians and nurses, pharmacists, researchers, volunteers, chaplains and the personnel of hospitals and healthcare centres.  They have made, and are continuing to make, great sacrifices to be present to the sick, to alleviate their sufferings and to save their lives; indeed, many of them have died in the process. In paying tribute to them, I renew my appeal to political leaders and the private sector to spare no effort to ensure access to Covid-19 vaccines and to the essential technologies needed to care for the sick, the poor and those who are most vulnerable.[1]

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Goodbye 2020

Dear Brothers,

The year 2020 saw an unexpected visitor entering this world and getting hold of everything, and even to this day continues to manipulate humanity and the planet. During this year, either we saw on the television or read in the newspapers how people throughout the world suffered due to COVID-19 pandemic. As we bid farewell to 2020, let us not forget to thank God for His guidance and protection. I think we, the Oblates in Japan-Korea are very much blessed with the comforts of life, and we “owe God a constant debt of gratitude” (2Tes.1:3) for giving us all that we need, especially the health of mind and body.

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YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH: 2020.12.08 ~ 2021.12.08

Bradly Rozairo OMI – Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him…(Mt.1:24)

We often speak about Mary and preach on her response to God at the annunciation. I think the “Year of St. Joseph” invites us to reflect on the obedience of Joseph and his “YES” to God.

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150 years after being named patron of the Church, St. Joseph remains vital to the world

by Michael R. Heinlein December 4, 2020

This Dec. 8 commemorates 150 years since Blessed Pope Pius IX declared St. Joseph to be patron of the universal Church. At the time, Pius IX wrote that the Church was going through “most troublesome times … beset by enemies on every side, and … weighed down by calamities so heavy that ungodly men assert that the gates of hell have at length prevailed against her” and “besought his intercession in times of trouble.” Although it was 1870, the declaration could have been written today. Perhaps what is old is new again, or maybe it’s just that there is nothing new under the sun. Either way, St. Joseph is a patron for our times, and this anniversary should not go unmarked.

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Pope at Angelus: Immaculate Conception encourages us on path of conversion

At the Angelus on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis urges Christians to follow a path of conversion, as we find hope in the special grace Mary received from God.

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Fourth World Day of the Poor – “Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sir 7:32)

(Message of His Holiness Pope Francis. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 15 November 2020.)

“Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sir 7:32). Age-old wisdom has proposed these words as a sacred rule to be followed in life. Today these words remain as timely as ever. They help us fix our gaze on what is essential and overcome the barriers of indifference. Poverty always appears in a variety of guises and calls for attention to each particular situation. In all of these, we have an opportunity to encounter the Lord Jesus, who has revealed himself as present in the least of his brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 25:40).

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Murder In The Cathedral: The Face Of Christ In The Victims Of Nagasaki

by David Albert Jones. In “Truman’s Terrible Choice, 75 Years Ago”, George Weigel has defended the use of the atomic bomb against the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the basis that it “saved millions, even tens of millions, of lives.” He acknowledges that this kind of utilitarian ethical calculus was rejected by Saint Pope John Paul II in Veritatis splendor but maintains that President Truman made the “correct choice.”

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Pope Francis’ message for Mission Sunday: October 18 in 2020.

Here am I, send me (Isaiah 6:8)

The full text of the message follows:

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I wish to express my gratitude to God for the commitment with which the Church throughout the world carried out the Extraordinary Missionary Month last October. I am convinced that it stimulated missionary conversion in many communities on the path indicated by the theme: “Baptized and Sent: the Church of Christ on Mission in the World”.

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020

Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee.
Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating
internally displaced persons

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