War Against Children: Pornography – “Net Porn” (Part 4)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Pornography on the Internet has exploded into millions of pornographic websites. Currently, it is a booming industry of nearly 100 billion dollars. Internet pornography invades homes and destroys good families without any accountability to anyone. In the evenings, I count around 30 or more phonographic emails sitting in my computer mailbox. This, my friends, is a daily occurrence. Just one click and most of these unwanted emails will allow me unrestricted private access to a pornographic website. This simple procedure attracts the curiosity and fingertips of small children. The porn companies “without any moral principles” have opened the doors to public Net porn, which instantly allows an innocent young generation to view both soft and hard pornography. The sole purpose of big business is to fill their pockets with money. One example, Facebook, a multi-billion dollar business, allows child pornography. 

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War Against Children: Hunger – “18 million starving” (Part 3)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

While coping with the pandemic, we have an opportunity to rediscover basic values of humanity and the human bonds that connect us. We have it in our hands to learn things about our world and about ourselves. One lesson we learn is how important hunger is. In our world today, about 700 million people go to bed hungry every night. Yes, 700 million human beings.

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War Against Children: Abortion – “Nuremberg Revisited” (Part 2)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

The killing of unborn children is “A Crime Against Humanity”. Their number far surpasses the total of all war deaths in man’s history. Each and every day, hospitals and licensed clinics are responsible for the murder of countless babies before they even have a chance to breathe air outside of the mother’s womb. It should be clearly emphasized that an abortion involves carrying out the deliberate massacre of an innocent human life by adult doctor who made a vow to protect human life. To justify this procedure to kill, they proclaim it is their “right.” Since these doctors are “human beings”, we presumed they are speaking of “human rights”. However, their usage of this term is incorrect.

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War Against Children: Introduction – “Crimes Against Humanity” (Part 1)

Why this adult obsession today in killing the preborn and/or permanently scarring the lives of the born? – a series by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI

Preborn Body Parts for sale – 16 weeks

Throughout the world, children, be they preborn or born, are facing unspeakable attacks by adults everyday. These attacks can be classified as “crimes against humanity”. Why? Because they kill or leave children permanently scarred for life. Children are in danger more today than at any time in the last 20 years. Instead of receiving care and protection from parents and guardians, they are introduced into a dangerous world, a world in which their life-journey begins by facing a terrifying first hurtle – death by abortion. They are looked upon as a commercial commodity by a waiting, hungry world-market. Major corporations like medical research centers, major universities, government labs and even cosmetic companies are waiting to buy preborn baby body parts. Selling/Buying aborted body parts is a billion-dollar (multi-billion?) industry. Scott Carney in his new book, The Red Market, figures he is worth about $250,000 if his body was broken down into individual parts and sold on what he calls the “red market.”

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Rituals or Spirituality?

Brad Rozairo, OMI – During this time of the pandemic, those involved in parish ministry begin to ask, what is going to be the future of our churches? When the state of emergency is imposed, the churches stop celebrating masses and other activities, but when the state of emergency is lifted, the masses resume. Is this going to be the pattern from now on? No one knows, except the virus!

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Pope Francis appoints English Oblate, Father Andrew Small, secretary of child protection commission

Pope Francis has appointed Andrew Small, O.M.I., a 53-year-old English priest, as the secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. The appointment is “pro tempore,” meaning his appointment is either temporary or, more likely, subject to change or development.

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Pope Francis Says, “Abortion is the Death Penalty for the Unborn.”

(Pastoral Statement of Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI)

Abortion Is The Leading Cause Of Death In The USA And Worldwide

More human beings died in abortion that any other cause of death in 2020. The statistics compiled by Worldometers gives the astounding heart- breaking reminder that there were over 42.6 million abortions worldwide this past year. Abortion was almost more than all other causes combined. Since Roe v Wade 48 years ago 62 million precious babies have been brutally destroyed in abortion in the USA, far surpassing all the military personnel death in all our wars. This past year abortions almost doubled the half a million who died because of COVID. This terrible holocaust continues to increase because sadly, by many, unborn babies are still not recognized and appreciated as human beings. Biology and all recent medical research affirms our belief based on many scriptural references and constant teaching of the church that from the first moment of conception, these precious babies are unique, living human beings made in the very image of God calling us to be pro-life and pro-eternal life at all stages of life and they die a brutal, violent death in abortion. Our motto is; choose life for both mother and child.

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Crimes against humanity start by depersonalizing the individual

Jerome Novotny OMI – St. Boniface stated: “The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course.” This means that each of us has a responsibility to stand up for truth, defend the weak and stand up against the forces of evil in our society.

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Lent and Pandemic

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Last year, the season of Lent arrived with lockdown and imposed severe disciplines on everyone. Compared to some countries although the lockdown in Japan was not very strict, meetings and gatherings were cancelled, ‘work from home’ order came into effect, in many cities schools and day care centres were temporarily closed and people were asked to avoid unnecessary outings. 

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On the moral illicitness of the use of vaccines made from cells derived from aborted human fetuses

December 12, 2020
Catholic Teachings

In recent weeks, news agencies and various information sources have reported that, in response to the Covid-19 emergency, some countries have produced vaccines using cell lines from aborted human fetuses. In other countries, such vaccines are being planned.

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Japanese, Korean bishops oppose dumping of radioactive water into the sea

By Robin Gomes: Catholic bishops in South Korea and Japan have issued a joint statement opposing the Japanese government’s decision to dump radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.

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Lenten Reflection Guide 2021: Brothers and Sisters All

Dear Brothers,This is to share with you the Lenten Reflection Guide 2021 & 2 medicines from Pope Francis!

May our time of Lent and the joy of Easter open us to the intentional love of God through the experience of Jesus and the life-giving flame of the Holy Spirit. 


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