Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Thirtieth World Day of the Sick –

Dear brothers and sisters: Thirty years ago, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them. [1]

We are grateful to the Lord for the progress made over the years in the particular Churches worldwide. Many advances have been made, yet there is still a long way to go in ensuring that all the sick, also those living in places and situations of great poverty and marginalization, receive the health care they need, as well as the pastoral care that can help them experience their sickness in union with the crucified and risen Christ. May the Thirtieth World Day of the Sick – whose closing celebration, due to the pandemic, will not take place as planned in Arequipa, Peru, but in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican – help us grow in closeness and service to the sick and to their families.

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Mission Station – A Periphery Glance

Brad Rozairo OMI —  People living in places where there is no sign of a church or a convent often look for a priest or a nun to talk to. When they meet such a person, they are full of joy and would want to stay connected so that they can share their joys and sorrows. This is a reality for people living in the countryside.

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War Against Children: Child-Soldiers – “protect us” (Part 9)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)


“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.” (by unknown) One of the most precious things that we have in this world are our children. God has created each one individually as a unique human person, a one-of-a-kind who is very precious to Him. In the beginning, God made “male and female”, wishing them to share in His creative work by saying “increase and multiply”. The result of this participation with God is children, each of whom are precious and possess “special” talents and abilities that gives life to the world. Beginning at an early age and throughout its childhood, a child needs a safe atmosphere to develop as a human being. This is a time in which children should live free from fear, safe from violence, and protected from abuse and exploitation. Children are the world’s future, and we need to take care of them like we would any precious resource.

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis For The Fifth World Day of the Poor

“The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7)

1. “The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7). Jesus spoke these words at a meal in Bethany, in the home of a certain Simon, known as the leper, a few days before Passover. As the Evangelist recounts, a woman came in with an alabaster flask full of precious ointment and poured it over Jesus’ head. This caused great amazement and gave rise to two different interpretations.

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War Against Children: Climate Change – “before and after” (Part 8)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI..)

“You’ll die of old age; we’ll die of climate change!” Young people strike back against apathy among politicians dealing with climate change. “What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” echoed throughout central Glasgow as thousands of protesters took the streets in 2021 during the dedicated “Youth Day” at COP26. Young leaders did their best to make their voices be heard, expressing their discontent with the current state of climate action, or, as some claimed, “climate inaction.” Even very small children gathered in the demonstration. “Climate change is worse than homework”, one of them told UN News. Will COP26 produce leaders who really care and enact polices to protect our planet and children or will it be the same old “blah blah blah”???

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Annual Japan/Korea Delegation Retreat: Sept. 6-9, 2021

A retreat is a time to step away from the distractions of everyday life and get back in touch with your inner self and reconnect with God. Sometimes old poets say it best.

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in Nature that is ours…

English Romantic William Wordsworth wrote that 200 years ago, but he could have written it yesterday. In an age of iPhones and e-mails, iPods and Facebook, we find ourselves disconnected and adrift, in need of renewal and healing in a world that is “too much with us.”

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A SPECIAL MONTH TO “PROTECT ALL LIFE”: September 1 ~ October 4, 2021

The Bishops of Japan have established the period from September 1 to October 4 (the Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi) as “the special month to PROTECT ALL LIFE.” Below is a messagefrom the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan.

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The Hidden side of the Olympics

Brad Rozairo, OMI – A big city can become the centre of the world by hosting a mega-event like the Olympics by showcasing its modern technology, supertall buildings, eco-friendly environment etc. but it does not get to decide how it is viewed by the world. Looking back at the previous Olympics hosted by big cities like Athens, Beijing, London and Rio de Janeiro, you get to know that whenever there is a big sporting event, there is an attempt to make some folks disappear. Who are these people? They are the “unwanted” of the society often abandoned by their own.

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War Against Children: Forced Begging – “stolen lives” (Part 7)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

What would you do? Let’s say you are walking along the streets of a major city and you see a mother and child sitting on the sidewalk. The child looks very ill and is holding out a tin cup, desperately asking for help.

My Pro Life work has taken me to many poor countries in Asia. Children begging for money is one memory that will not go away. Young children around 7 or 10 years old carry babies around, day and night, begging tourists for money to buy some food for their babies. My very first encounter was in Sri Lanka on my way to a business hotel in Columbo. The taxi had stopped for a red light. Suddenly three children ranging, I estimated between 6 and 9 years old, were banging on the taxi window begging for money. I can still recall the sad look in their eyes as they held out their little hands. The driver shouted at them to go away and refused to open the window. As the taxi sped away, the driver tried to justify his actions by stating that the children are part of gangs who pocket most of the money.

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Prayer For Peace

Brad Rozairo OMI — “Protecting All Life Makes Peace” is the theme for this year’s “TEN DAYS OF PRAYER FOR PEACE” which is annually being observed in Japan from August 6 ~ August 15. This initiative was taken by the Bishops of Japan after St. Pope John Paul II’s “Appeal for Peace at Hiroshima” (25 February 1981) during his Apostolic Journey to Japan.

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War Against Children: Adoption Laundering – “stealing a child” (Part 6)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

As you know, there is a very real war going on in the world right now. It’s a war against the life of a child. In this segment, I will talk about “Child Laundering” The Bible tells us that each and every human being is made in the image of God, and the enemy would like nothing better than to attack that image by destroying each and every person he can, beginning with the preborn. It’s up to us to fight on behalf of these innocent children. It’s not easy, but God is on our side.

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War Against Children: Body Parts – “Worst Nightmare For the Unborn” (Part 5)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI..)

Life is Beautiful. Life is Precious and Sacred. Good people believe in the sanctity of the human person with rights and dignity to be protected and preserved. Yet there are those who disagree. They declare open War Against the Unborn. But there is no “good” war. In the end, millions die and many are left crippled. Why then fight the war in the first place? The reason is that this war against the unborn is very profitable. Take for example the following event. The world was shocked when it heard that the University of Pittsburgh has been harvesting the organs of unborn babies while their hearts are still beating.

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