A retreat is a time to step away from the distractions of everyday life and get back in touch with your inner self and reconnect with God. Sometimes old poets say it best.
The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours…
English Romantic William Wordsworth wrote that 200 years ago, but he could have written it yesterday. In an age of iPhones and e-mails, iPods and Facebook, we find ourselves disconnected and adrift, in need of renewal and healing in a world that is “too much with us.”
The Bishops of Japan have established the period from September 1 to October 4 (the Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi) as “the special month to PROTECT ALL LIFE.” Below is a messagefrom the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan.
Brad Rozairo, OMI – A big city can become the centre of the world by hosting a mega-event like the Olympics by showcasing its modern technology, supertall buildings, eco-friendly environment etc. but it does not get to decide how it is viewed by the world. Looking back at the previous Olympics hosted by big cities like Athens, Beijing, London and Rio de Janeiro, you get to know that whenever there is a big sporting event, there is an attempt to make some folks disappear. Who are these people? They are the “unwanted” of the society often abandoned by their own.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)
What would you do? Let’s say you are walking along the streets of a major city and you see a mother and child sitting on the sidewalk. The child looks very ill and is holding out a tin cup, desperately asking for help.
My Pro Life work has taken me to many poor countries in Asia. Children begging for money is one memory that will not go away. Young children around 7 or 10 years old carry babies around, day and night, begging tourists for money to buy some food for their babies. My very first encounter was in Sri Lanka on my way to a business hotel in Columbo. The taxi had stopped for a red light. Suddenly three children ranging, I estimated between 6 and 9 years old, were banging on the taxi window begging for money. I can still recall the sad look in their eyes as they held out their little hands. The driver shouted at them to go away and refused to open the window. As the taxi sped away, the driver tried to justify his actions by stating that the children are part of gangs who pocket most of the money.
Brad Rozairo OMI — “Protecting All Life Makes Peace” is the theme for this year’s “TEN DAYS OF PRAYER FOR PEACE” which is annually being observed in Japan from August 6 ~ August 15. This initiative was taken by the Bishops of Japan after St. Pope John Paul II’s “Appeal for Peace at Hiroshima” (25 February 1981) during his Apostolic Journey to Japan.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)
As you know, there is a very real war going on in the world right now. It’s a war against the life of a child. In this segment, I will talk about “Child Laundering” The Bible tells us that each and every human being is made in the image of God, and the enemy would like nothing better than to attack that image by destroying each and every person he can, beginning with the preborn. It’s up to us to fight on behalf of these innocent children. It’s not easy, but God is on our side.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI..)
Life is Beautiful. Life is Precious and Sacred. Good people believe in the sanctity of the human person with rights and dignity to be protected and preserved. Yet there are those who disagree. They declare open War Against the Unborn. But there is no “good” war. In the end, millions die and many are left crippled. Why then fight the war in the first place? The reason is that this war against the unborn is very profitable. Take for example the following event. The world was shocked when it heard that the University of Pittsburgh has been harvesting the organs of unborn babies while their hearts are still beating.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)
Pornography on the Internet has exploded into millions of pornographic websites. Currently, it is a booming industry of nearly 100 billion dollars. Internet pornography invades homes and destroys good families without any accountability to anyone. In the evenings, I count around 30 or more phonographic emails sitting in my computer mailbox. This, my friends, is a daily occurrence. Just one click and most of these unwanted emails will allow me unrestricted private access to a pornographic website. This simple procedure attracts the curiosity and fingertips of small children. The porn companies “without any moral principles” have opened the doors to public Net porn, which instantly allows an innocent young generation to view both soft and hard pornography. The sole purpose of big business is to fill their pockets with money. One example, Facebook, a multi-billion dollar business, allows child pornography.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)
While coping with the pandemic, we have an opportunity to rediscover basic values of humanity and the human bonds that connect us. We have it in our hands to learn things about our world and about ourselves. One lesson we learn is how important hunger is. In our world today, about 700 million people go to bed hungry every night. Yes, 700 million human beings.
(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)
The killing of unborn children is “A Crime Against Humanity”. Their number far surpasses the total of all war deaths in man’s history. Each and every day, hospitals and licensed clinics are responsible for the murder of countless babies before they even have a chance to breathe air outside of the mother’s womb. It should be clearly emphasized that an abortion involves carrying out the deliberate massacre of an innocent human life by adult doctor who made a vow to protect human life. To justify this procedure to kill, they proclaim it is their “right.” Since these doctors are “human beings”, we presumed they are speaking of “human rights”. However, their usage of this term is incorrect.
Why this adult obsession today in killing the preborn and/or permanently scarring the lives of the born? – a series by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI
Throughout the world, children, be they preborn or born, are facing unspeakable attacks by adults everyday. These attacks can be classified as “crimes against humanity”. Why? Because they kill or leave children permanently scarred for life. Children are in danger more today than at any time in the last 20 years. Instead of receiving care and protection from parents and guardians, they are introduced into a dangerous world, a world in which their life-journey begins by facing a terrifying first hurtle – death by abortion. They are looked upon as a commercial commodity by a waiting, hungry world-market. Major corporations like medical research centers, major universities, government labs and even cosmetic companies are waiting to buy preborn baby body parts. Selling/Buying aborted body parts is a billion-dollar (multi-billion?) industry. Scott Carney in his new book, The Red Market, figures he is worth about $250,000 if his body was broken down into individual parts and sold on what he calls the “red market.”
Brad Rozairo, OMI – During this time of the pandemic, those involved in parish ministry begin to ask, what is going to be the future of our churches? When the state of emergency is imposed, the churches stop celebrating masses and other activities, but when the state of emergency is lifted, the masses resume. Is this going to be the pattern from now on? No one knows, except the virus!