From the Saharan desert to Rome: New OMI Superior General

“Poor people can teach us about hope and life. So, we must work with poor people, with lay people, with indigenous peoples, bringing new life to the Congregation. For me, this means bringing holiness to the Congregation, and the best way to do that is to be a missionary, to be a saint.” – Fr. Luis Ignacio Rois Alonso, OMI,

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Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 108th World Day of Migrants

“Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” (Heb 13:14)

Dear brothers and sisters!

The ultimate meaning of our “journey” in this world is the search for our true homeland, the Kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus Christ, which will find its full realization when he comes in glory. His Kingdom has not yet been brought to fulfilment, though it is already present in those who have accepted the salvation he offers us. “God’s Kingdom is in us. Even though it is still eschatological, in the future of the world and of humanity, at the same time it is found in us.” [1]

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Message of the Holy Father Francis for the Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Dear brothers and sisters!

“Listen to the voice of creation” is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation. The ecumenical phase begins on 1 September with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and concludes on 4 October with the feast of Saint Francis. It is a special time for all Christians to pray and work together to care for our common home. Originally inspired by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, this Season is an opportunity to cultivate our “ecological conversion”, a conversion encouraged by Saint John Paul II as a response to the “ecological catastrophe” predicted by Saint Paul VI back in 1970.[1]

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War Against Children: World’s First “Synthetic Embryo” – ‘homo sapiens’ next? (Part 12)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

When we look at the state of the world today, it is easy to get discouraged and depressed. In all areas of our life as a society – whether it is the economy, the corona pandemic, world politics or the war on children – things are not good and in general appear to be getting worse, like the senseless attacks in Ukraine by Putin and his gestapo army. I think that most people will admit that our world is more divided now than ever before. The real value and dignity of human life has been placed on the slippery slope of destruction while science and technology are introducing a false world of hope, not to mention big business which rakes in money from these corrupt avenues of life. Just recently, we learned that Israeli scientists have created the world’s first “synthetic embryos”. This time the attack by adults focuses on pre-born children at the very beginning of their lives, ie. “synthetic embryos” grown outside of the womb without the natural process of sperm, egg and fertilization. The slippery slope of science continues.

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2022 Ten Days of Prayer for Peace – ‘Peace is possible; peace is a duty’

A Message from the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan

This is a year in which peace has been violently trampled. The dignity of life is neglected and its protection has been shoved aside. We will enter our Ten Days of Prayer for Peace this year in the midst of a new crisis for life.

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War Against Children: ‘Children-friendly’ Gay Drag Shows – “child abuse” (Part 11)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

A recent scandal hit the news recently and highlighted a suppressed, unbelievable attack on our children by the gay community. The article “‘Child-friendly’ Drag Show at Dallas Gay Bar Prompts State Lawmaker to Act” surfaced on June 6, 2022, following a drag show for children. Immediately, Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton announced he would present a bill that would protect children from these indecent displays. “Drag shows are no place for a child,” he said. A heroic statement but whether anything postive will surface is still a big question. Yet for this to have reached such a level of indecency, my question is why has nothing been done over the years to protect our children from this gay trend. A radio host and writer Michael Brown pointed out, that the spectacle of drag queens performing for kids (and their parents) has been common at Pride parades for almost two decades with little public outcry.

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War Against Children: Freezing Live Embryos – “human or not?” (Part 10)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing adult obsession in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

A Human Rights Crisis

It is so easy in life to lose sight of what’s most important. Our days are so busy that we often overlook problems facing our children both born and unborn. Take for example freezing unborn embryos. This is another obsession in waging war on Children. This procedure takes a living human person and actually freezes it. This freezing, also known commonly as solidification, is a phase transition where an unborn child turns into a solid when its temperature is lowered below its freezing point.

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Make peace not war

Brad Rozairo, OMI – These days as I follow the news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, my mind goes back to Sri Lanka. The ethnic war which lasted for 26 years was a very frightening experience for many, especially for people living in the north and east of Sri Lanka. My home town Trincomalee, in the north-eastern region was in the war zone. Bombing, shelling, killing and abduction of people etc. were one time frequent occurrences. We had to live in the midst of all that was happening around us in fear, anxiety and uncertainty.

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Seen yet ignored

Brad Rozairo, OMI –In Japan, if you do not have power, money or are not successful, the society will look on you as if you are an “unwanted guest”. I do not think that anyone would want to be an unwanted guest, but sadly there are many in Japan.

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Is the devil real? Putin’s Illegal Invasion

Jerome Novotny, OMI – The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is deepening as Russian illegal forces intensify their shelling; food, water, heat and medicine are growing increasingly scarce. More than two million refugees, including over a million children, have fled Ukraine. As Russia’s military and airstrikes continue, the civilian death toll grows. In this article, let me share a story with you. Many years ago, in a small chapel in 1884, Pope Leo XIII was saying Mass and suddenly he heard voices near the altar. He looked around but could not see anyone, yet what he heard filled him with fear. What the Holy Father heard was a conversation between God and the devil.

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Is it really possible to love our enemies?

Jerome Novotny OMI – It has been about two months now since one of the great moral voices of the world has died – Archbishop Desmond Tutu. As the first black Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa, he worked to bring an end to the racist policy of apartheid. And when that dehumanizing system of discrimination was finally dismantled, he worked to bring forgiveness and reconciliation between the white and black populations of his country so that there could be a future of peace for all people in South Africa.

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Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2022

“Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest,
if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity,
let us do good to all” (Gal 6:9-10)

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