War Against Children: Down Syndrome Genocide – 90% Killed (Part 13)

(This article is part of an ongoing series showing different adult obsessions in waging “War Against Children” by Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI.)

Every day, throughout the world, we see the effects of hatred between people whenever we watch news on TV or open the morning newspaper. When violence breaks out, it takes place in homes, workplaces, public institutions, schools, health care facilities and on city streets. It happens in so many senseless ways and women and children are often the victims. We also see the devastating effects of violence and hatred in so many places in our world that are at war. A prime example is Ukraine. Where once there were people raising their families and making livelihoods for themselves, there is nothing but the ashes of burnt out homes and businesses. We humans can become so full of rage that we don’t care who we destroy in the process. All the destruction that takes place in this world has one source – the sin that is lurking in every human heart. We might want to point the finger at others. We might blame governments or other institutions for all the world’s misery. But, ultimately, hate and violence spring from the human heart which rejects God and His love.

Recently, not very much has been written about Down Syndrome babies. The killing of unborn babies with Downs syndrome continues to increase at an alarming rate. It appears as if the adult generation is attempting to erase an entire category of people. Once diagnosed with Down Syndrome, the unborn child of today faces almost certain death by abortion.

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“Go to Galilee”

(excerpt taken from the homily of Pope Francis, Holy Saturday, 8 April 2023)

At times, we may simply feel weary about our daily routine, tired of taking risks in a cold, hard world where only the clever and the strong seem to get ahead. At other times, we may feel helpless and discouraged before the power of evil, the conflicts that tear relationships apart, the attitudes of calculation and indifference that seem to prevail in society, the cancer of corruption – there is a great deal of it, the spread of injustice, the icy winds of war. Then too, we may have come face to face with death, because it robbed us of the presence of our loved ones or because we brushed up against it in illness or a serious setback. Then it is easy to yield to disillusionment, once the wellspring of hope has dried up. In these or similar situations – each of us knows our own plights, our paths come to a halt before a row of tombs, and we stand there, filled with sorrow and regret, alone and powerless, repeating the question, “Why?” That chain of “why”…

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Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent 2023, 17.02.2023

Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey

Dear brothers and sisters!

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all recount the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus. There we see the Lord’s response to the failure of his disciples to understand him. Shortly before, there had been a real clash between the Master and Simon Peter, who, after professing his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, rejected his prediction of the passion and the cross. Jesus had firmly rebuked him: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a scandal to me, because you do not think according to God, but according to men!” (Mt 16:23). Following this, “six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John his brother and led them away to a high mountain” (Mt 17:1).

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A New Generation: The Senior Family

Jerry Novotny OMI – Turning 80 several years ago, I have come to accept the fact that now I am a part of the worldwide “Senior Family”. By 2050, the world’s population of people aged 60 years and older will double (2.1 billion). The number of persons aged 80 years or older is expected to triple between 2020 and 2050 to reach 426 million. We also know for a fact that the number of people aged 60 years and older have outnumbered children younger than 5 years. Yes, people worldwide are living longer. A new world order is being created, a generation referred to as the “Senior Family”.

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis XXXI World Day of the Sick – 11 February 2023

“Take care of him” Compassion as a synodal exercise of healing

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OMI Japan: Christmas in Kochi – Dec. 27 ~ 28, 2022

Brad Rozairo, OMI – As the year comes to an end, we, Oblates in Japan, came together in Kochi to celebrate our annual community Christmas.

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ADVENT: Stay Awake!

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Last Sunday (Nov.27, 2022) the Catholic Church entered the Advent season. This means that the day of waiting for Christmas has begun.

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‘Let go’ – not easy, but necessary

Brad Rozairo, OMI – In the year 2008, I followed a six-month psycho-spiritual renewal program, known as the ‘Sabbatical Pilgrimage’ in the Philippines. The focus of the program was mainly on the inner journey of life. There were inputs that helped me evaluate the different stages of my life and see how I have grown as an adult.

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Oblate Toyohashi Mission ~ in the eyes of the Delegation Superior

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Among the five mission parishes that are being taken care of by the Oblates in Japan, Toyohashi – a peaceful riverside town in central Japan, is one of them.

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Is God really Silent?

Jerry Novotny OMI – Ukrainian authorities say over 400 hundred children have been killed and many more injured since the start of Russia’s invasion nearly eight months ago. Among the many victims of the deadliest conflict since World War II are these small children for whom life has just begun.

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Ukraine: Missionary priests hoping to open healing centre in Kyiv

As the war in Ukraine grinds on toward its 9th month, Fr. Pavlo Vyshkovskyi, OMI, says people are increasingly traumatized and in need of both psychological and spiritual assistance.

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World Mission Day

Brad Rozairo, OMI – Every year on the third Sunday of October we celebrate World Mission Sunday. At mass that Sunday, as Catholics we recommit ourselves to our common vocation through Baptism to be missionaries through participation in the Eucharist, prayer and by making a monitory contribution to support the evangelizing work of the church in the missions. 

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