Season of Creation (Sept. 1 ~ Oct. 4, 2019)

(from Brad Rozairo OMI)  What is the Season of Creation? The season, which runs yearly between September 1 and October 4 (the feast of St. Francis of Assisi) is that of the year when we renew our commitment to pray and care for creation. Continue reading

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Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Dear Brothers,
Every year, August 6 and 9 are two very important days to think about the deep meaning of peace. Many from all over the world visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki to pray and to experience the importance of peace. This opens a ten-day period (August 6 – 15) dedicated to peace, which the Catholic church in Japan holds every year as a time for remembrance and as a call for world peace.
During this time of the year, together with the people we serve, let us reflect, pray and sow the seeds of Peace.
—Bradly Rozairo, OMI

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me

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Fukushima study tour

In early June, ten of us from Osaka went on a study tour to Fukushima. It is more than eight years since the nuclear accident at the Fukushima power station in Japan. This has forced the radiation to evacuate tens of thousands, turning the towns and villages into out-of-zone areas. Today what you see is abandoned houses, weeds around the buildings & along the roads and animals such as boars roam the streets. Continue reading

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2019 Ten Days of Prayer for Peace

A Message from the President of the Catholic Bishops’Conference of Japan Continue reading

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The trouble Japan faces with immigration

Japan is a country with a shrinking population. Due to growing numbers of deaths and declining numbers of births, Japan’s population is shrinking at a rate of over 400,000 people per year. The Japanese government is worried about this of course and is looking at ways to reverse this population decline. One of these potential ways is to import people from overseas: immigration is the way that many western European countries are keeping their populations steady/growing. Continue reading

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Pope: The poor show us the face of Christ

Pope Francis’ message for the Third World Day of the Poor was released yesterday. The day will be observed on Sunday 17th November. The theme for this year’s World Day of the Poor is: “The hope of the poor shall not perish forever”, taken from the Book of Psalms. The Pope writes that these words “express a profound truth that faith impresses above all on the hearts of the poor, restoring lost hope in the face of injustice, sufferings and the uncertainties of life.” Continue reading

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Christians must offer real hope to the most vulnerable, pope says

The option for those who are least, those whom society discards, is a priority that Christ’s followers are called to pursue, Pope Francis has said. Continue reading

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“The Devil is Smiling”. Where are our Shepherds?

Abortion’s “slippery slope” continues to expand throughout the world and the crack in the wall gets bigger. The most shocking news took place recently in the United States. The headlines read, “NY governor signs sweeping new abortion law that allows abortions after 24 weeks”. This law, the so-called Reproductive Health Act, permits abortions after 24 weeks and allows abortions at any point in a pregnancy, including the day before the child is born. Continue reading

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Number of newborns in Japan fell to record low while population dropped faster than ever in 2018

The number of newborns in Japan hit a record low of 918,397 in 2018, staying below the 1 million mark for the third year in a row, a government survey showed Friday. Continue reading

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Bring forth the fruits of the Good News – Pentecost 2019!

My dear Brother Bishops, Pentecost 2019! We are indeed blessed with the renewed call made by our dear Holy Father Pope Francis on the occasion of Pentecost 2019 “to pray for a truly missionary conversion of the whole Church.” Pentecost this year has a special emphasis with Pope Francis inviting all of us to live October 2019 as an Extraordinary Missionary Month. Continue reading

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What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

In looking at the debate over immigration, it is almost automatically assumed that the Church’s position is one of unconditional charity toward those who enter the nation, legally or illegally. Continue reading

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Pope Francis: ‘It’s not just about migrants, but about all of us’

In his message for the 2019 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis says fear and a throw-away culture lead to the rejection and exclusion of people seeking a better life. Continue reading

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