Pope Francis Sends Video Message to People of Japan

Below is the text of the video message sent by Pope Francis to the people of Japan on the occasion of his upcoming Apostolic Trip, November 23-26, 2019. In the video, the Holy Father stresses the theme of the visit, “Protect All Life” and suffering caused by nuclear war.

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Pope considering adding ‘sin against ecology’ to Church’s catechism

Speaking to a group of lawyers on Friday, Pope Francis said that the Catholic Church is contemplating the introduction of “ecological sin” to the compendium of Church teaching.

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Catholicism in the Land of the Rising Sun (and declining population)

Japanese Catholics are such a small minority—less than half of 1 percent—that sustaining the faith throughout succeeding familial generations has been difficult. When Pope Francis visits Japan this November 23-26, he will be received by a highly resilient Catholic community – one that endured centuries of violent persecution under anti-Christian leadership and, more recently, an atomic bomb drop on Nagasaki, the nation’s longtime Catholic epicenter.

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Pope Francis’ Message for the 2019 World Day of the Sick

«You received without payment; give without payment» (Mt 10:8)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, “You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8). These are the words spoken by Jesus when sending forth his apostles to spread the Gospel, so that his Kingdom might grow through acts of gratuitous love.

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Our right to speak for climate justice

A few years ago, Pope Francis challenged those responsible for the well-being of the poor. He established the World Day of the Poor. It is a day that should be stretched into a week, a month or into a year of action challenging and protesting against the root causes of poverty, the most perverse of which are political and corporate corruption that plagues societies. Continue reading

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Tokyo archbishop: It is ‘difficult to find success’ on evangelization in Japan

Tokyo, Japan, Nov 4, 2019 / 05:05 pm (CNA).- Efforts by the Catholic Church to evangelize the Japanese population have frequently collided with roadblocks, according to Archbishop of Tokyo Isao Kikuchi, but the Church is still finding some ways to proclaim the Gospel. The archbishop answered the question from Catholic News Agency on Japan, evangelization, and why breaking through into mainstream Japanese society is so difficult for a religion that has survived persecution and genocide in the country since 1549. Continue reading

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Online Japanese Catholics are looking for a digital shepherd

In the age of mass communication, the Catholic Church is finding previously unimagined opportunities for evangelization – namely, over the internet. However, for the small minority of believers in Japan, the internet is far less connective. Much like their diocese and parishes, which are hardly seen or experienced outside the walls of the Church or rectory, Catholicism has not yet found a way to thrive on the Japanese end of the internet. Continue reading

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Meeting with Bishop J. M. ABELLA

Dear Brothers, God wants us to break away from our ‘comfort zone’ and step out in faith to do what He thinks is best for us. Are we ready to take up this challenge? Continue reading

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It is not just about migrants. It’s also about our fears…

At the request of various bishops’ conferences, Pope Francis has changed the date of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees to the last Sunday of September. The World Day for Migrants and Refugees will be held this Sunday, September 29, 2019. The theme for this year’s celebration is, “It is not just about migrants.” Continue reading

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Extraordinary Missionary Month (EMM): October 2019

Dear Brothers, Hundred years ago, Pope Benedict XV released the encyclical Maximum Illud, which called on Catholics to bring the Good News to all peoples (Missio Ad Gentes). To commemorate this anniversary, Pope Francis has declared October 2019 to be an Extraordinary Month of Mission (EMM). This special month of prayer and action calls us all to renew our missionary commitment. We are called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with all peoples. Continue reading

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God or Nothing

Dear Friends for Life:  In recent months, newspapers, magazines and news reporting have shown worsening trends regard current life issues. The slippery slope is widening and people’s lives are hurting. God is gradually being removed from society, leaving a road of confusion, suffering and hidden guilt in its wake. Continue reading

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Japanese activists join global climate strike ahead of U.N. summit on global warming

Young people in 117 countries on Friday called on policymakers to take overdue steps against climate change as part of a global strike just days ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit set to begin in New York on Monday. Affiliated events organized across Japan on Friday drew more than 5,000 participants, the organizers said. Continue reading

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